Preparing for the Holiday Blues with Your Therapist
For many, the seasonal holidays are a time of abundant joy and reconnecting with their families. However, the months of the year between October and
Understanding How The Pandemic Impacted Mental Health
During the initial year of the pandemic, there was an immense increase in anxiety and depression across the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) performed
Myths vs Facts: Are Emotions Really Positive or Negative?
Emotions can present a challenge in communication. Many people have been raised believing that we don’t talk about our emotions or how our feelings are
How you can help your children survive divorce
One primary concern parents have when going through a divorce is the impact on their children. Children are often afraid and feel powerless during the
Emotional Viruses And How To Avoid Them
Have you ever noticed that moods seem to be contagious? If someone keeps their head, even in a stressful situation, it’s more likely that others
Exploring Therapeutic Treatment Options For Autism
ASD, or Autism Spectrum Disorder, is a neurological developmental disability that occurs in approximately 2% of the population. The underlying causes of autism are not
Understanding Social Anxiety and Its Effects
Many people spend their lives with a social anxiety disorder or only discover that they have it later in life. This is often the outcome
The Incredible Benefits Of Mobile Mental Health
There have been fundamental growth in the world of communication technology in the past few decades. As these technologies have started to become more available,
Essential Self-Care Tips For Those With Chronic Illness
Living with a condition that causes chronic pain can be challenging both physically and mentally. The stress on the mind and body can leave you
Does Optimism and Pessimism Affect Our Health?
The impact of our mental state on our physical health has been becoming better understood in recent years. Many have always held that our attitude
Discovering The Psychological Impact of Music
There aren’t many who can say they don’t enjoy listening to music of some form. Music has many roles in our society, including relaxation, advertising,
Staying Healthy In Isolation and Avoiding Pandemic Trauma
Two months from the publishing of this article will mark the second year of the pandemic. During this time period, many of us have felt
7 Reasons to Get Premarital Counseling
Premarital counseling may not seem like such as big deal, but for many in love and who want a life together, facing future stressors and
How To Turn The Winter SAD Away
Millions of people the world over respond to the changing seasons differently. For some, they’re a time of uplifting joy and happiness; for others, it’s
The Concept of Resilience and Change
The saying change is inevitable often gets passed around, but for many, change can be a terrifying concept, even when it’s positive. Many people often
Four Ways to Boost Your Mental Health This
The arrival of Fall signals the shifting of color in the leaves, and the air begins to get a crisp edge to it. Fall often
5 Important Ways to Practice Self-Compassion
One of the essential things that we can learn in our lives is to love ourselves. Self-love means, in part, having a healthy respect for
Emotional Support Animals VS Service Animals
There’s been a lot of talk about service animals in the past decade or so. Our bond with animals has been shown to provide multiple
Helping Grief Processing After Loss Of A Pet
Grief can be an overwhelming emotion and one that can severely impact our lives. Studies of this emotion have revealed that species does not limit
Experience The Benefits That Meditation Can Bring
Meditation is a practice that has an ancient history and has been proven to have remarkable benefits. These benefits extend beyond the spiritual and into
Practicing Mindfulness With Your Whole Family
The term mindfulness has been seeing a lot of use in modern psychiatry. It describes the process of removing yourself from the frantic pace of
Methods You Can Use To Create Positive Change
Change is something that many people find scary. Change is often perceived as the source of pain or tragedy. It’s important to remember that change
Taking Steps To Be Prepared For Your First Counseling Appointment
The choice to take part in therapy is one that sets you on the path to greater well-being and mental health. Be proud of your
Exploring The Physical Impact Of Experiencing Strong Emotion
There are many ways of describing the ways that strong emotion can impact our overall health. Among them can be found “scared the life out
How Depression Effects Family’s And How To Get Help
Having depression can hurt both you and your loved ones. Because depression can be experienced at any point in one’s life, it isn’t easy to
Understanding The Psychology of Anger And Secondary Emotions
Anger is a powerful emotion that we are all familiar with, having experienced it at one point in our lives or another. Whether it’s the
Discovering How Family Bonding Improves Mental Health
Children need attention and time from their parents because the impact of these interactions cannot be overlooked. Families have a significant impact on the emotional
Effective Ways to Discipline Your Children That Aren’t Spanking
The conversation about how the effectiveness of spanking is essentially over in psychology circles, though it continues to rage among the general population. Studies have
The Essential Nature of Date Nights For Parents
It’s no secret that keeping a regular date night is an important part of staying connected while raising a family. In spite of this, it’s
Tips For Building Strong Internal Relationships In Your Family
As our family grows and develops, it’s essential that we help foster the relationships within them in an atmosphere based on trust. At every stage
Ways to Stay Connected with Your Teenagers
During this stage, teenagers exploring relationships, identity, and aspects of life outside of the family home can ultimately turn everyday interactions into a confusing time
Helping Your Child Overcome Problematic Behavior
It’s a natural part of growing up for our children to act on one or more occasions. During these outbursts, they may interrupt others, disobey
Steps For Creating Confidence In Your Growing Child
As our children grow, they are bound to encounter setbacks and difficulties in the world. Learning how to have confidence in themselves and their abilities
The Effect of Vicarious Trauma on The Entire Family
It’s common to think that when an individual goes through a traumatic event, they’re the only one who experiences the effects of trauma. Families aren’t
Why Open Dialogue Matters in Therapy
Open dialogue is a core concept in family therapy, as it brings family members as a support group for the patient and establishes a social
Maintaining Your Family’s Mental Health During Isolation
It’s probably safe to say that there isn’t a single person who hasn’t experienced the desire to stay home and hide from the world at
Five Tips For Relieving Holiday Blues
Surviving the holiday season can be a real challenge for anyone. There’s the stress of shopping for presents, the constant onslaught of holiday music, and
The Hidden Signs of Sibling Bullying
Sibling rivalry is a well-known element of childhood with brothers and sisters, but at what point does it cross the line into bullying? It frequently
Anorexia In Plus Size Patients
When the topic of anorexia comes up, the first image that usually pops to mind is that of a dangerously emaciated young woman counting every
Handling Holiday Depression During the Pandemic
Holiday depression is a well-known phenomenon that strikes many people each year. 2020 is expected to be especially rough for many more as the combination
How Perfectionism and High Anxiety are Related
Perfectionists often describe someone hardworking, dedicated, have good attention to detail, and are reliable in holding themselves up to a higher standard. Perfectionism has been
Health Concerns And Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism, when viewed through the eyes of others, can often be miscued, but they’re, in fact, a normal part of life. Its a spectrum disorder
You May Have an Eating Disorder If…
According to the CEO of the National Eating Disorders Association, around 30 million Americans have dealt with an eating disorder at some point in their
Trauma & Stressor Related Disorders That Are Not PTSD
Many people are familiar with posttraumatic stress disorder, or have at least heard of it. However, did you know that there are other types of
Why Now is the Perfect Time for Family Therapy
With all the recent changes, chances are you’ve spent more time than ever at home with your family. While this can be beneficial for a
Taking Care of Your Child’s Mental Health During a Pandemic
Parenting is tough enough as it is, albeit trying to parent during a pandemic. With everything going on, chances are you and your family’s lives
7 Lesser Known Symptoms of Anxiety
When people hear the term “anxiety”, many will associate this with nervousness, an inability to sit still, sweating, or even rapid breathing or heartbeats. While
Why You Should Continue Telehealth in a Pandemic
As the country begins to open back up in an attempt to return to normal, you may be tempted to return to in-person psychotherapy sessions.
The Relationship Between Psychiatric Illness and Covid-19
As we continue to press forward through COVID-19, we face many uncertainties about the future. However, one researcher believes that we can expect certain trends
Post-Traumatic Growth
Our entire nation has been affected by COVID-19, whether directly or indirectly. For some this means becoming ill or watching loved ones become ill, while
Signs COVID-19 is Hurting Your Mental Health
Living through a pandemic is no easy feat. With so much happening around us, it’s just about impossible to not be affected in some way
COVID-19 and Your Mental Health
At the present moment, we are all dealing with COVID-19 and are faced with uncertainty. Many people are also experiencing varying levels of fear. Both
How Telepsychiatry Works
The last few weeks have become increasingly stressful for many of us. Unfortunately, the immediate future will likely be a struggle as well. This has
What are Personality Disorders?
While depression and anxiety are the most common mental health conditions, there are other types of mental health conditions that are not as common, but
How Does Family Therapy Work?
During a one on one therapy session, the patient and therapist go back and forth discussing certain concerns. Depending on the approach being used, the
How Therapy Works and What Therapy Does
When you are struggling with your physical health, you go see your primary physician for advice, treatment, and possible medications. However, when it comes to
What Does Anxiety Feel Like?
Everyone experiences feelings of anxiety from time to time when doing things like public speaking, a job interview, or starting a new job or school.
The Top New Year’s Resolutions for Your Mental Health
2020 is officially here and with the coming of a new year and decade, comes a variety of new year’s resolutions. Some people believe in
5 Signs Your Child May Need a Toddler Psychiatrist
There’s a reason people use the phrase “Terrible Twos” when describing young children. Toddlers can be extremely difficult at times and can make even the
What is a Holistic Psychiatrist? 3 Things to Know
Recently, more and more people are transitioning to living holistic lifestyles. The term “holistic” simply refers to the idea that all the small components of